Our guest this week is Intuitive Coach, Healer, and Best Selling Author, Janet Bernstein. Janet helps women overcome fears, embrace their authenticity, and breakthrough mindset blocks to achieve financial freedom. Janet left a 17-year career in corporate insurance to pursue her dream of teaching women around the world to step into their purpose and unleash their full potential. She’s the co-founder of Synergy Branding Group, offering branding consultation, coaching, website design, photography, social media strategy, and publishing services. Janet’s sixth book The New Rules of the Sisterhood was featured on ABC’s Good Morning Texas.
To connect with Janet, visit her at www.janetcbernstein.com
Mentioned In The Episode:
🛍️: Tarot cards
📚: Take a look at Janet's Books!, The Miracle Morning, The Miracle Morning for Writers, Course of Miracles -Foundation for Inner Peace, Super Attractor, Super Attractor Journal, Happy Pocket Full of Money, Ghosted, The Calling, On Being Human, Big Magic, Light is the New Black 📱: Insight Timer App