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Source Over Symptoms with Dr. Ynge Ljung

Writer's picture: Calla CreatesCalla Creates

Contributing to the conversation this week is Dr. Ynge Ljung- an Acupuncture Physician, Naturopath, Author of the bestselling book: Finding Your Lost Child - Understanding Allergies, Nutrition, and Detox in Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Creator of The Allergy Kit, a natural, easy process to eliminate allergies without pain, drugs, or needles, that can be used for the whole family.

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Interview with Dr. Ynge Ljung:

*Text has been edited for clarity

Calla: So you have a very, very impressive background and resume to me. I want to walk through it a little bit, and you can stop and correct me if I have any of the information wrong, but I want to kind of get to where you're at now, with You graduated as a chemical engineer, studied traditional Chinese medicine, and are an acupuncture physician, or have that certification?

Dr. Ynge: Here in Florida, we don't have Naturopaths. It's not licensed. So I was licensed as an Acupuncture Physician. That's my licensure.

Calla: Okay, great. And when you were meeting with patients, you started to realize that there was a source more than there were symptoms. And it led you down this path to create a system that is NAET. Can you explain to me what that is and how you got there?

Dr. Ynge: So, first of all, I, some people didn't have the expected results, and it could sometimes be with aches and pains, headaches, or shoulder pain or sciatica. And so I started to take a ton of e classes and everything and found NAET, which is Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques. She invented this many years ago. So I took her classes, and some people have, for example, more than one child, and really when one is allergic in the family, they all are. And it took a lot of money because it took like 15 treatments before you could do anything. It was like the basic treatments, so it took more time, and it also took money. So I ended up creating a whole family in charge for one. It doesn't work like that.

Leanne: For anyone really

Dr. Ynge: Also, many people lived, you know, two hours away or more, and some people even more, so they could never go to the practitioner. So that's why I wanted to create something that they could do on themselves or on their children. So I started to experiment and research and practice and started with that, like in 2000 2001. And then, in 2006, I had my first kit ready to launch and launched it on the internet and helped 1000s of people with that.

Leanne: So, how did you develop these kits? Where did you start with that?

Dr. Ynge: Well, I started really with the knowledge from NAET. But, I have a different protocol. So it's not a copy. It's the same idea. I think everything comes from the same idea. And so it's the same principle. But with NAET, you do one thing at a time. And so I started to put things together, and I found that, first of all, if they had a reaction, they had less reaction when there were more things mixed. Second, they got results faster. And that was really what I wanted. Plus that they could do it themselves.

Calla: I guess what types of patients come to you with various allergies? Is it mainly seasonal? I know you offer many, many kits. Who is your typical patient?

Dr. Ynge: Well, after COVID, I haven't seen that many patients. I still have an office, but I have too much to do with The Allergy Kit.

Calla: That's good.

Dr. Ynge: So I would have Autistic kids. And that was very hard learning to have autistic kids in the office. So that was also one thing why I wanted it to be separate. So they could do it themselves, and then they could come in once a week and check if what they did had stuck, so to speak.

Calla: Results are that quick?

Dr. Ynge: Yes, it is. So I mean, they don't do the whole kit at once. They have to wait two hours between them. In case they have any kind of reaction. It can be a headache, or feeling tired or something like that. So I just tell them, wait until you feel fine again.

Leanne: What is in a kit?

Dr. Ynge: I'll show you what it comes with. These are different vials. And it comes with a laser. So the vials are water that are imprinted with frequencies of the different... Let's start from the beginning. I have a kit that's called The Allergy Kit. Okay, and then I have a Food Kit, Environmental Kit, Emotion Kit, Autism Kit, and they all have the first seven vials in them because that's where they have to start. People sometimes think they don't have allergies to the things in the first seven vials, but I think everybody does. So the first vial, for example, contains the energy of the frequencies of egg, chicken, milk, dairy, calcium, vitamin C, and parasites.

The reason is that sometimes patients say, "I don't eat chicken," "I don't eat eggs." We came from an egg. So it is like the basic protein we have to absorb. So that's the egg and chicken. And then, when we are born, we get milk. When babies start to eat, they get vitamin C. We are all warm-blooded animals, and we have parasites, even if we don't think so. I think it's different now that I found about the biome, the microbiome, to which we are a host to. And I don't know that much about it. But it's very important to keep that in balance. So that's the first treatment. So then they do that together with a stress vial because that was something I realized when I was treating people. Some people are so tense that they didn't really receive the treatment, you know what I mean?

Calla: I do.

Dr. Ynge: I created a stress vial and had much better results. And I also think because when we have anything, whether it's allergies, a cold, or whatever it is. So by treating with the stress vial, the treatments are better absorbed.

Leanne: How do people use these vials?

Dr. Ynge: so they use them. So that's why I was talking about the stress vial because to use the stress vial together with the vial they're using, in this case, vial number one. And then, we use a q-tip, and you lick lightly on the q-tip. And you put them together with the vials. I like to put them upside down over the belly button. And then you take the laser, and you shine through the vials. First, for 30 seconds, you go to the head and go over the head seven times. So one back and forth is one round. So you do that seven times.

Because it's a midline, connected to the spine, connected to all the nerves and organs in the body to the head. And the same with the ear. So we do seven seconds on each year. Because on the ear, we have all the organs and the meridians. So the ear is shaped like a kidney-shaped like an upside-down baby fetus. So when I do acupuncture, I use the ears a lot. And then you go back to the belly button for 30 seconds, do the head again, seven times and the ears and end up with 30 seconds on the belly button. Then you finish by shining the laser on the four gates, which is the large intestine for and then the corresponding side between the thumb and the forefinger.

I think everybody knows what that is. And then you go to the corresponding for the left start with the left hand or to the left foot between the web between the big toe and second toe, which is liver three. Then you go to the right foot, right hand, and close the circuit doing it on the left hand the last time, and you sit with them for five minutes. And then you put the vials away and wash your hands. And preferably do the treatment in the evening after you've eaten. You also get relaxed from it. Some people sleep very well after the treatments. And that's the treatment, and then they wait 48 hours before they do the next one. The next morning, you can have whatever you were treating for. If you have a very bad reaction, for example, with the eggs, Wait a couple of days, make sure it has stuck, or take just a small piece to try. And if you have still had some kind of reaction to it again, that's the good thing by having the kit. You can do it again. And, of course, I would love every person to do some kind of muscle testing.

Leanne: So, what is the significance of the laser? What is it doing when you're putting it on all these spots?

Dr. Ynge: I say it kind of makes the energy go into the body. So instead of putting a needle in the laser, the red cold laser transports the energy into the body. And this is pretty easy because if I do muscle testing first, for example, for the first time, and they just go down, and I do the treatment, and afterward, they're strong. It's immediate.

Leanne: And why do you want the energy to go into these places, my baseline level of knowledge here is zero.

Dr. Ynge: Every organ has its own frequency. So if you have an allergy, there is a certain frequency. For example, vial number one, which has the egg and chicken, milk, and parasites, has a certain energetic frequency. So when you do this treatment with the laser and with the frequencies in the water in the glass vial (that they will never open, by the way), that eliminates these frequencies. It kind of evens each other out.

Calla: That homeostasis, that balance to be able to start to rebuild. So if people are taking these or do a vile and they do, you have a reaction, you said that they could almost immediately try it again. I mean, you wait a few days...

Dr. Ynge: Always wait 48 hours. Even if you don't have a reaction, things are going on in the body.

Calla: That's what I wanted to know about, that elimination process. What are some of the things you see during those cases when people maybe have a stronger allergy than they realized?

Dr. Ynge: Well, that is true. Sometimes when you do this treatment, they can have a reaction. But normally you don't have the same. And if you react, that's what I recommend, for example, with kids that you treat with a surrogate, which means that you treat yourself to have the q-tip. For example, say it's a small child, you make that child lick on the q-tip, put it in his belly button. And then you put the bias on your belly button, and you treat yourself while the child is in physical contact with you. It can be his holding his arm, or it can be that you're just sitting close by, or you can sit. For example, some kids, especially on the spectrum, they are unruly. You can do it when they're asleep and just be in contact with them. And yeah, and it doesn't affect the person who does it.

Calla: Wow, so could it help the surrogate as well?

Dr. Ynge: No, because the intention is to treat the child, not the surrogate. They are just a conduit. But you always have the intention that we are going to treat whatever the person's name is or the child's name and keep that intention. You know, intention is so important in everything.

Leanne: How did you start getting involved with kids on the spectrum? What made you interested?

Dr. Ynge: It was pure chance. I had one kid who came in, and this was over 20 years ago, and I didn't know anything about autism. I had heard about hyperactive kids, they didn't even say ADD or ADHD, and then I got somebody who came in; it was really the grandmother of the Father. I had treated her. She was very sick. She came back when I saw her in1998 or 1997. And she was very sick, and nobody could figure out what it was. Then she told me a spider had bitten her at some point. And she had insisted to the doctor that that is when it happened. She just started to get sicker and sicker and sicker. So I treated her first for the basic and then for the spider. And that was just like magic.

Calla: Really?

Dr. Ynge: Yeah. And then she sent me her son, who was a policeman. He had sciatica that he couldn't get over. And I gave him one treatment. But I didn't treat him for allergies. Because this was before I was aware of the connection. But I treated him once, and he was fine. And I never saw him again.

Leanne: Wow.

Dr. Ynge: And then he came in with his son. I think the Mother came in first, or they came in both, I can't remember. And the grandmother again said, go to Dr. Ynge. Because this kid was was five years old, who was not his speech was not good. He had at least seven temper tantrums a day. He wouldn't do this, and he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't watch certain shows, wouldn't wear certain clothes. He was always, always in a meltdown state. The first time when he came, he was making a lot of noise, and his Mother held up like a three-foot red gummy snake. I just said, "Ohhh!"

Leanne: Yeah, bribery at its finest.

Calla: That explains a lot.

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, he was fine for 10 minutes while we spoke. And then, of course, it was ten times worse. So, in the beginning, I treated him. His grandmother had to come in. So we were three people because he wouldn't sit still. So he was first, and then his Mother would hold on to him while we were walking around. And I have had gone to the grandmother and treated her.

Calla: Had to hit it from all sides.

Leanne: Is that one of those surrogate situations? Yeah,

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, exactly. So I had two circuits and one in between because he was moving too much. So and he after a few treatments. He started talking. His temper tantrums went away, and he eventually was totally fine. His grandmother used to call me once a year and thank me. She said, "You saved my grandson." The Father came in about ten years later for something else. I don't remember. And I said, Isn't it great that he's out of it, that he isn't autistic anymore? Autistic? He was never autistic. But he was going to the Dan Marino School for Autism.

Leanne: It sounds like a lot of denial.

Dr. Ynge: Then kids came in. And that's when I realized I couldn't really treat them in my office. That's when I developed the kit during that time. So I saw kids in the office while I was working on it. I didn't really treat autism because I had a normal acupuncture clinic associate. But what I did was treat everybody for it. Now I remember what made me treat everybody was that I had a patient that would come in twice a year, maybe because he had neck pain or back pain. And one day in January, he almost crawled in. He had somebody who drove him and helped him walk. He had a sciatic attack. I did four different acupuncture treatments. Nothing helped. Then it just occurred to me to ask if he had had coffee. "Do you drink coffee?" I said, oh, it's funny that you should say that. It was in January. So it was a favorite for Florida cold. It was cold this morning, and my boss gave me two Cuban coffees. So he drank the coffees, and then a couple of hours later, he turned around to pick down an empty box that didn't even weigh anything. And that's how he got stuck. So I treated him for coffee. And like this *snaps fingers*, the pain went away.

Leanne: Wow. So when you're saying 'treatments' in these examples with the autistic boy and with this guy who had his problem with coffee, are you talking about acupuncture treatment specifically?

Dr. Ynge: No. So with the boy, for example, I did not do acupuncture; well, I did Acutonics. I did tuning forks on him. Because I realized when I did tuning forks on his back, he got totally, almost limp. *Big Sigh*

Calla: It balances all that energy out. Where he was high strung, he was able to release.

Dr. Ynge: Exactly, and he used to be so high-strung on the time that when it happened, it just took everything.

Leanne: Calla, you've talked about your mom's into tuning forks. Right? Can you explain tuning forks?

Calla: I will defer to you, Dr. Ynge, because I will butcher it.

Leanne: Yeah, yeah, this one is for the doctor.

Dr. Ynge: When the two, I use something called Acutonics. And it's an acupuncture physician who put it together. So she put together the frequencies according to the planets. And so there are lower frequencies and higher frequencies, but it's a whole series of different planets. And it's the same thing, it's also vibration, and you put the vibration into the body, that some say that the first time you put this frequency in, it starts like a wave that never stops. It's almost like in the ocean that never stops. And we have a lot of water in our bodies. And so the different frequencies, the different planets, they are for different things. For example, we have the birth energy, which is like the 24 hours that the earth goes around the sun, you know, 24 hours. And that is like giving them energy. It's like having a cup of coffee. And then we have others who also have energies. And they are deeper. And they are from when the zodiac charges and returns, and that works with pain. And others, they work just to calm you down. They all calm down.

Calla: That grounding energy.

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, grounding and freeing. I often use them for people who don't like needles and just want this.

Calla: I'm intrigued by acupuncture. I've never been to one done it, though.

Dr. Ynge: Oh, you should. There are tons of benefits.

Calla: What are some of the benefits?

Dr. Ynge: Pain is one thing, but just relax. It doesn't matter what you come in for. It's so relaxing. And it is an organ, organ system-oriented energy, or medicine. They have fun, first of all, that the meridians exist. And second, the Chinese said so many things 1000s of years ago that this treats this, so this works on this. You can take, for example, the spleen. The spleen in Chinese medicine doesn't exist. You don't have a pancreas. I didn't know what that was. But spleen. If that is deficient, you will get sweet cravings and often go for sugar.

Leanne: I think something is wrong with my spleen.

Dr. Ynge: So the spleen is in charge of the immune system's insulin regulation. It's in charge of blood production—so many things. I think many doctors, many allopathic inclined people think it's bull, but it's amazing. One guy, for example, had a stroke. It's the best thing for strokes, by the way, if you do it very soon after, but he had an eye that was hanging, he couldn't open it. And so there is a point on the leg on the outside of the ankle, that is an eye point. So I stuck the needle in that point and is I just opened up.

Calla: Wow, that would be so cool.

Dr. Ynge: He had that for years.

Leanne: His eye was hanging for years after his stroke?

Dr. Inge: Yes.

Leanne: And he had just never tried acupuncture before?

Dr. Ynge: No. Because normally people go to the hospital.

Calla: Yeah, that was my next question. Why do you think people are so resistant to Chinese Medicine or Alternative Medicine?

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, no money in it for them. I think that's the thing and doubt. But in China, for example, medical doctors there use acupuncture still.

Calla: Hit it from all angles, not just have a pill.

Leanne: I did have a question. So when you said in your Allergy kits, for example, used vial one that has the frequency of chicken and eggs, what does that mean?

Dr. Ynge: It means that everything has a frequency. Our bodies are organs. Any illness has a vibration. My cup has a vibration, everything has a vibration, and it's higher or lower. But, of course, what we can touch is a lower frequency. Like an elephant, for example, is a much lower energy than a Colibri. So when these energies get stuck, which they sometimes do with emotions also.

Calla: Yeah, talk to me about that. How is it different because I think when people think allergies, I know for me, sometimes it's just like seasonal, it's the hives and itching. What are some other blocks that can benefit from The Allergy Kit?

Dr. Ynge: Well, first of all, it can be all the direct allergies to how people react to eggs or, or whatever it is, or sugar. Which sugar is a specific thing because sugar is in everything. So people want sugar. They crave sugar. I think it all started when they came up with fat-free food, and they added sugar instead. People thought they could eat as much as they wanted because there was no fat don't get fat. It's fat from sugar.

Leanne: I read a book recently called The Big Fat Surprise about all the studies by Ancel Keys that led to the Food Pyramid and prioritizing carbs. And it's unbelievable.

Dr. Ynge: The Food Pyramid is totally upside down. First of all, when you consume a lot of sugar, you also feed the Candida bacteria, which as soon as it starts to get overgrown, it craves; they crave sugar. So what happens is when people try to go off of sugar, they can't because these critters are sitting there saying, "Give Me Sugar! Give Me Sugar!" So it's so hard. And then with the bacteria, when it's overgrown, they get Candida which can be anything from toenail fungus to vaginal discharge to depression, digestive disorders. All kinds of stuff happens when you have Candida. Because it is so... What do you call it? Addictive? Maybe? I think we can call it an addiction. So it's harder to come off of sugar.

Leanne: I mean, you see how many people in the US are obese, and you can't help but see the connection there. It's definitely an addiction.

Dr. Ynge: Yes, so that is the sugar, and when you do the kit, once you do the sugar, and it's sticks. That's what I call it. It sometimes can take two or three or four or five-session treatments with number two vial when it sticks. Once it has stuck, then you know because you don't have any cravings. I remember one patient who had horrible sweet cravings, and she had shouldn't get the box of chocolate, and she was intentional about only having one piece, and she ended up eating the whole box. So I think a lot of people have been there.

Leanne: Been there, yeah.

Dr. Ynge: So I treated her several times for the sugar. And then one day she came in, and she said, "I can't believe it. I had one piece, and I didn't even want anymore."

Calla: It's a gift that you're able to give these people. It really is.

Dr. Ynge: So then, we go to the number three vial, which treats toxins. We are all toxic.

Leanne: Some more than others.

Dr. Ynge: Babies today are born with some say 200; others say up to 500 different chemicals and toxins in their umbilical cord. That should not be.

Leanne: Is that just because of our diets or plastics or?

Dr. Ynge: Everything. Glyphosate we breathe. It's very important to do the toxins that should be treated at different times during the year. Maybe once a month or so. And then the number four vial is vaccines. And specifically, kids on the spectrum see a difference, but it happens even with grownups that they feel a change after they treat with vial number four, which is for vaccines.

Calla: There's a hot topic right now.

Leanne: So these treatments, though, like the sugar one, it's not killing the Candida, is it?

Dr. Ynge: No, but it seems to help.

Leanne: That's interesting.

Dr. Ynge: It is so much easier to go on a So-called Candida Diet if you're not craving sugar.

Leanne: Oh, yeah! Any diet if you're not craving the sugar?

Dr. Ynge: So then number four is vaccines. Number five is Candida and sugar again because it is so common. And then treatment number six, the vial contains the grains. I also have corn in there because it's not the grain, but it's so common. And then we have wheat. And I'm sure you have heard about the wheat. But, unfortunately, it has, first of all, it has a protein that acts as an opiate. So people are really addicted to it.

Calla: Really? Can you explain that to me a little bit? I never heard that before.

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, it is. In gliadin. It's in milk too, and there it's called acid and morphine, or something like that. I can't remember what the word is right now. But that is why people cannot get off of wheat. And the other thing is, apart from the opiate-like thing that happens, it is very hard to digest even if it's organic. The third thing is that another protein that makes holes in the intestinal lining. That allows the undigested or partially digested food to go out into the bloodstream-which produces antibodies, and then, of course, it produces allergies. So I think that's one of the reasons that there are so many allergies.

So people say, "Oh, I can't eat anything. I'm allergic to everything." So it's kind of common.

Calla: Yeah, I hear that a lot. My daughter was diagnosed with a lot of food allergies early on and currently still, I don't want to say suffers because we've got them under control. We are doing a sublingual drop, but I'm very curious about these kits because I had never thought of it from the laser side of things. My mind's kind of reeling as you're talking about this. People who have dealt with food allergies or have had many heavy toxins throughout their lives in the vaccines. Someone older, could they try this now and find benefits?

Dr. Ynge: Absolutely. The only people who are extremely sensitive to, for example, seafood or peanuts.

Calla: That's my daughter. She has a seafood allergy.

Dr. Ynge: That's where I want people to be aware that they have to be very, very careful. So, first of all, they have to be treated through a surrogate. Some people can get sick and die just from having a peanut on a plate or a wooden plate where they serve a steak, and they don't have a clue that there is anything else. So they don't even eat the peanut.

Calla: Right? So my daughter was to the hospital, not by a peanut, but it was a carrot. And she didn't even have it. It was mixed in, and we pulled them to the side. It was like a frozen carrot that never even touched her body.

Dr. Ynge: So that's her own. So if that is what happens, they won't have the reaction. And, and I know some people who have started to eat seafood. I don't know-how, how much they reacted. I can't say that because I don't know if they would die if they had it or just got sick. But I know people who have started to eat them. But I would I recommend that.

Calla: No, I think avoidance is the best. And I'm not going to push people to try it. Too risky.

Dr. Ynge: Yeah, if they try it. They have to have an EpiPen next to them.

Leanne: You touched on how the bacteria in your gut can translate into depression. What is that connection?

Dr. Ynge: So that is a big connection. That's when you have allergies. And also, they should touch on glyphosate, which if you don't eat organic, even though 5% is all over, but it's less in organic food. What it does, it inhibits; it's a pathway called the shikimate pathway, where bacteria and enzymes have to travel into the digestive system to do its job. And it can't do that. So that's another thing why you get an inflamed digestive system. And then, we have the vagus nerve, which is a nerve that goes from the brain all the way down directly into the digestive system. So that's why it's constant communication between the brain and the intestines. For example, people who have a head injury get problems with stomach digestion afterward.

Leanne: Because the vagus nerve has been damaged?

Dr. Ynge: Yes. When people have a digestive problem, it goes up to the brain. So when people are depressed, and they go to the shrink, they get pills. They are looking in the wrong place. Because over 90% percent of the serotonin is produced in the gut, not in the head. And of the dopamine, 50% is produced in the gut. So it's wrong. They should try to work on the digestive system instead of working on pills for the head.

Leanne: So then you're saying that the inflamed gut would travel up through the vagus nerve into the brain, and that would result in some kind of depression or mood disorder.

Dr. Inge: Yeah

Calla: The cognitive function kind of gets cloudy, I think. The guts know.

Dr. Ynge: It travels through bacteria, and it's a very interesting system with a lot to learn about it.

Leanne: I recently read a book about the vagus nerve because I didn't know what it did. I knew that it communicated to your stomach. But I didn't know anything else. And so, after this book, I realized it's like an entire highway that goes into every part of your body, everywhere. It's unbelievable.

Dr. Ynge: It goes back and forth.

Leanne: It's funny, though, because you hear about the mind-body connection, and it sounds so woo-woo. But we have a physical, literal thing within us that is the highway of communication. Like it exists.

Dr. Ynge: Absolutely. It is so hard to wake people up. I'm trying, you know, I have patients and say, "Well, you have to stop eating wheat." *gasping sounds* and they say, "Don't take my bread away!", "What about my pizza?" And I say, Well, I can't help you.

Leanne: But meanwhile, on TV, you know, Cheerios is a "heart-healthy breakfast" - ad it's just like, we've gone so far in the wrong direction that you tell someone something as simple as don't eat wheat. And they're just like, "No, I can't do it."

Calla: You can't imagine life without it.

Dr. Ynge: That's where The Allergy Kit comes in because it does help with the cravings. So it also helps with weight. Because when people keep eating the same thing that makes them fat. And I think that may be going on the 800 calorie food for a month, and then lose some weight will help with as soon as they start to eat normally, they gain it all back.

Leanne: I do personal training, and that is my constant message every day to people. And it's hard because people seem to work off of motivation. So they come into the gym, and they're so excited, and they're ready. And they do want to change everything. And they want to work out every day and eat 800 calories a day, and they want to see fast results, but it's not sustainable.

Dr. Ynge: No, it's not.

Leanne: It's just a loop.

Dr. Ynge: If they don't stop with their eating habits, It doesn't matter how much exercise to do.

Leanne: Let's talk about your book. How did you come up with the concept?

Dr. Ynge: It was that same thing when I was treating kids and seeing how many more, so it's not only autism but also ADD and ADHD. For example, which have very good results with. And I want like we can take the first patient I had with a red snake, Gummy Snake, red food coloring that they're all allergic too and sugar. So many people they don't know, they don't. They don't understand that the bad behavior support; it's an allergic reaction. It doesn't have anything to do with behavior. Well, it might because I understand that parents give in and say "Okay" because they're so tired. Yeah, I can understand that. So that's why I wrote the book to get tips and get ideas of what is effective. For example, I went to Sweden a couple of years ago, and I brought books for my family, and of course, nobody read it.

Leanne: Yeah, we've had that discussion. They're not meant to support you in that way.

Dr. Ynge: One person, it was the girlfriend of my nephew. She is in her 30s. And she read the book, and she said, "That book saved my life." She had no clue she was on the spectrum. So, by changing her diet, she changed her lifestyle by understanding why she reacted like she did. Nobody thought about her. She's a popular singer in Sweden, and I guess they accept that they are eccentric.

Leanne: Do you have the belief that you could treat Autism and these Spectrum Disorders?

Dr. Ynge: I cannot say that I'd lose my license first of all.

Leanne: Oh, okay, sorry.

Dr. Ynge: Autism and Spectrum Disorders they are whole-body disorders. I don't know why some kids get autism. I think vaccinations often are the trigger. So if they are sensitive and give the vaccination so darn early that there's no brain barrier developed, I think that's one of the biggest things if they want to vaccinate their kids, wait until they're four or five years old.

Calla: Remind me, is it vial five, that's the vaccine?

Dr. Ynge: Four.

Calla: Okay, so when they're taking that, I'm sorry, I keep going back to this, I just really truly want to understand it. So they go from Vial One to Vial Four. And there, they're ready to start eliminating... Is it the shedding of the vaccine, essentially, the toxins that come like... That's what I'm trying to understand.

Dr. Ynge: It has to do with the energy.

Calla: It's the energy of the vaccine that stays in the body and inhibits it from acting a certain way?

Dr. Ynge: I've had grownups who have felt a difference after the vaccine. Some people get the vaccine, and they never feel the same again. Even if it's not, they forget about it because they get used to it. And it's not that bad. But everything happens with the kids. So were the kids on this spectrum. I don't know why, but they all have allergies, and all have bad digestive systems. So I don't say that I cure autism in any way, shape, or form, right, but The Allergy Kit, and if they follow instructions on what to do and what to avoid, at least they get their digestive system in order. And their attitude, their behavior gets better. Because when they have a temper tantrum, it is because they have an allergic reaction.

Calla: That's really important to remember. I don't think I've ever looked at it that way before.

Dr. Ynge: So, for example, parents say, "Oh, yes, Peter, you have behaved so good this whole week, let's go to the pizza parlor and have pizza." And then they don't understand why the kid has a temper tantrum. And everybody's looking at the parents and the kids who say they shouldn't have kids. It's not their fault.

Calla: Yeah, there's a lot of judgment that comes with it, for sure. It's interesting, though, because it sounds like these kits help clear up the accidents on your highway that allow for the brain and head to connect. So I think that that's how I'm able to piece it together. What these kits can really do for people is help the flow and the connection within their body be able to eliminate that and move forward or at least have a good foundation and baseline to then maybe add in new things or find healthy ways to move forward.

Dr. Ynge: And they are like the canaries in the coal mines. Three years ago, a mother bought in her kid. She was a Special Ed Teacher. Her kid was eight years old and horrible. He lived in anger. He would run after his parents with knives or scissors. The whole house was hacked up. She took him to Kinder to have him, you know, participate in something, and as soon as it was something that he didn't want to or he got frustrated. They had to carry him off, kicking and screaming. And she started to do the kit. And pretty soon after, I don't remember when, maybe the third or maybe the fourth treatment, he began to calm down. And little further down the road, he said one day to his Mother, "Mommy, I feel as if I had been in an underground tunnel. And now I'm coming up."

Leanne: Wow!

Calla: They know. They know when they feel better.

Dr. Ynge: That is what I've always thought. I've always felt that it is something. That's why they hit their heads, or they cut themselves, or it's because they try to get out of their own skin. They don't understand what's happened.

Calla: Yeah. It's so true. It's so true. It's just like their coping mechanisms, but they don't even have a good basis to form those on. And it's just it's not their fault.

Dr. Ynge: It's not the parents' fault.

Calla: Right? It's all the different factors of environment of food of all those things.

Leanne: Yeah. Well, it's just kind of crazy because it's hard enough just to get people to admit to the fact that what you eat translates directly into your BMI. Like, people are like, "No, I'm obese because my family is obese and it's genetics," and then make that other jump and say, "Oh, I'm depressed because of what I'm eating." I feel like people have so much learning and accepting to do and take responsibility before they can even get to a point where they're willing to give up what they're eating. Or, you know, get uncomfortable in any way go workout, just to feel better. And I don't know, I just feel like...

Dr. Ynge: How do we wake them up?!

Calla: Yeah, we're trying. We're trying to show them the conversations and options are available and that it's a personal responsibility to want to be better. Because at some point, that's what it always comes back to, right? It is that personal responsibility. You have to decide that you want better for yourself, that you want to do something different, and that the status quo isn't going to suit you anymore. And I think that's when people start to try new things or hear this conversation and say, hey, it's worth a shot, and then try it and have success. I mean, that's exciting to me. So that's why we love talking to people like yourself, who are making options and things available for people to get better and live a healthy life. So thank you again for just, you know, doing what you do. It's very, very important—very, very important work.

Leanne: I did have one more question because I know that right now, like we're talking about vaccines, we're talking about, you know, the immune system, and it's all the rage in every conversation, but um, what are some ways that we can improve our immune systems, non invasively?

Dr. Ynge: That is another thing, people, unfortunately, they think when they had the vaccine, so potency, which is just an experimental drug. They think they're safe, and they don't do anything. And we see now so many people who are fully vaccinated getting COVID. And if you keep your immune system strong, we can do vitamin D3 with the K2. Vitamin C, maybe vitamin C with quercetin. Vitamin B is very important. Zinc is important. These are kind of the basis where you really should add up. First of all, check your vitamin D level. People in their 20s and 30s. That [inaudiable] levels, and that is when they are really in the risk zone. I had one patient the other day who had her Vitamin D levels tested? They had never gotten tested before. It was low. So her doctor said she was probably in the 20s. And then he gave her a prescription. I mean, vitamin D is not a prescription. He prescribed her some kind of vitamin D, which you take once a week.

Calla: The heavy, heavy dose I've been prescribed that.

Dr. Ynge: No, that was not even a heavy dose.

Leanne: Oh, okay. So wasn't enough?

Dr. Ynge: No, I think everybody is low because we're going into winter. I mean, down here, everybody uses sunscreen, I don't. To really fully absorb the vitamin D from the sun, you need to run around naked for 20 minutes in the sun.

Leanne: Yeah. I haven't tried that one yet.

Calla: Adds to weekend plans.

Dr. Ynge: So it's very important, first of all, to test your vitamin D levels. And know that the optimal level is between 70 and 100. So most of the people I know say it's so dangerous to take too much. I've never seen anybody who takes too much. So take 40,000 units for a couple of weeks first to boost the system after you know what your level is and regulated if it is in the 20s, just take 40,000 for two weeks or three weeks, and then maybe takes 30,000 for another couple of weeks and eventually get tested. And then you know what level you really will need to maintain it, but you have to take it all the time.

Leanne: And would you have to ask the doctor specifically to test for your vitamin D level?

Dr. Ynge: Yes. Or you can go to Quest or something. I don't think you need a prescription, and quite sure you don't need a prescription. I don't know why they don't test it more often.

Calla: Yeah, that's unfortunate. Especially if it's such a depletion from everyone, you know, you think that would be the main thing they would try to treat?

Leanne: We don't even talk about it. It's not being talked about in the mainstream.

Dr. Ynge: No, no.

Calla: I want to ask you, before we kind of wind down this conversation, what are your hopes for The Allergy Kit? What would you like it to become? Where would you like to see it?

Dr. Ynge: I'd like to become a household name. I am looking for affiliates. For example, nutrition is to treat people. It would be so much easier for them instead of when they treat people, " Oh, you can't eat that, you can't eat that," do The Allergy Kit. So they just send them to their website where they have the banner for The Allergy Kit and recommend it for them. And then they see what happens. And then they can really make good food choices. People don't have to stay away from all the things. And often, people don't know what they're allergic to. For example, the craze with green smoothies put a ton of spinach and kale, and then they want to blend that up, and I don't understand why. They probably are allergic to oxalates. It's very common, and the kids on the spectrum very often have allergies to oxalates. Same with almonds also, Almond Milk has a lot of oxalates.

Leanne: I have a client who is allergic to almonds. Yep, I thought that was so odd. So it's oxalates in the almonds?

Dr. Ynge: Yes. So ask if he is also allergic to spinach and kale. He may not even want to eat it.

Leanne: Can I ask just so that I make sure I understand correctly? Your kits, Do they test to show you what you are allergic to? (Dr. Ynge shakes head) No.

Dr. Ynge: You just do it because it's just a complication to test it because they're all allergic to the same things. In the basic and then some people have more environmental allergies, other have more food.

Calla: Here's this full thing to get everything out of there except on a cellular level. Interesting.

Dr. Ynge: Yeah. That was something I was going to say. Sorry. It just went off in my head. Oh, I remember. I think it is very important. Kids, they get ear infections all the time. Most of the time. It's a milk allergy.

Leanne: Can you explain that?

Dr. Ynge: No. I don't know why. It's just something with the mucus and the eardrums, and I really don't know how it works. But I had, for example, a little girl, she was three years old, who did not grow. She had ear infections, got antibiotics. Then two weeks later, she had strep throat, but antibiotics and that went on and on. So I treated her for only milk to start with. And never had an ear infection again, as far as I know, or strep throat. Wow. So that poor thing really had her digestive system to start with the antibiotic. And that is kids. That's another thing that adds to everything to autism to basic to everything with antibiotics.

Leanne: I remember I was prone to UTI for a little while, and my doctor would put me on antibiotics but never tell me to take a probiotic. I had to read it in a book. I was learning that the antibiotics could be causing the imbalance.

Dr. Ynge: That has surprised me since I came to this country that they prescribed all these antibiotics and never tell them to have probiotics with it. When I was a kid in Sweden, and they told me you have to have whatever they prescribed, I think it was probably milk, but it was homemade milk with bacteria. Because the other really when you eat these yogurts with bacteria, it's pasteurized milk, so they don't survive.

Calla: Then it's loaded with sugar too. Yogurt is the worst.

Dr. Ynge: Yes. If you eat that kind of yogurt. But, you know, having fermented foods is good.

Calla: Okay, I've got so much to think about. Thank you for coming and hanging out with us and for being the type of person that gets to the source and not just the symptom. That means a lot to both Leanne and I. We're always looking for people that are doing that sort of work and giving people options. So again, just thank you so much for coming and contributing your voice to HTC. I really appreciate it.

Dr. Ynge: Thank you and your thank you both. This was very nice. Very, very good.

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